Some items were provided for inclusion in this post. All opinions are my own.
We have been fortunate that Emmett and Anneliese have only been sick a couple times in their short lives. However, these couple times that they have been sick, I’ve looked for anything that could make them feel better.
What medicines you want in your cabinet should be discussed with your pediatrician, so here are some of the other essentials that have found their way into our home.

Kid Medicine Cabinet Essentials
Kids get sick and hurt, have these items in your home to help them feel better.
We're spending more time outdoors now that summer is here. This past weekend we were dodging mosquitoes while sitting around the campfire. Bug-bites are inevitable so I'm adding the Bug Bite Thing to our medicine cabinet.
When noses are stuffy, saline and suction become essential. In the past we've used individual items for these; but we recently discovered a product that has both of these in one! CLEARinse provides irrigation to the nasal cavity before consistent suction to remove loosened mucus.
I love having a no-contact thermometer for checking temperatures while kids are napping. I grabbed this one with my FSA funds a few years ago, but there are a ton available now thanks to the great panini.
Bumps are bound to happen so I always have a Boo-Boo bear in the freezer for a bit of comfort.
We haven't hit the "band-aid for every scratch" phase yet, but I'm prepared. Whenever I see some fun band-aids on a good sale or clearance, I'll get them for our medicine cabinet.
While it is a bit large for the actual medicine cabinet, something that we always use during illness is our humidifier.
Whenever my kids have gotten sick, I’ve been glad to have some of these items on hand to help relieve their symptoms.