Much like the rest of the US, my kids have become Bluey obsessed! When I asked Emmett what he wanted as a birthday party theme, he enthusiastically said “Bluey”, and stuck with this option each time I asked (to make sure he wasn’t changing his mind before I bought everything).
Emmett and Anneliese have both really enjoyed playing with slime/dough/sensory jars over the past year so I thought it would be fun to make a Bluey themed sensory dough jar to hand out as party favors. I really wanted each item in the jar to be reminiscent of either the Bluey universe, or a specific episode so I got to work hunting down the perfect accessories.

All the items for these jars in my Bluey Sensory Jar Amazon Idea List.

While the list includes a pack of blue Play-Doh, I made my own using my mom’s tried and true kindergarten teacher recipe. It took about 10 minutes one evening to make the dough, I made a double batch, but probably should have done it as two individual batches because flour got all over the counter as it got mixed in.
I added some Lavender & Bergamot Essential oil from Target into the dough and it smells amazing! To make it blue, I simply used blue food coloring and added 3-4 drops at a time until it was the shade I wanted. Using my stand mixer made this part a lot easier because I could simply keep mixing until all the scent and color was evenly distributed without turning my hands blue.
Once all the supplies arrived, it was time to assemble the jars. I grabbed all the accessories, a glass of wine, and sat down to assemble while watching TV after the kids went to bed.

I didn’t measure out the dough for each jar, but I would estimate it was about 1/4-1/3 cup. I turned the jar sideways so the dough filled the “back” of the jar, then added in the large character front and center. Around the character I put in all the smaller accessories such as the stump, duck, ice cream cone, etc.

There are lots of different options for Bluey figurine sets, some are just the Heeler family while others have fellow friends and family. For the twelve jars that I made, I did a combination of Heeler family, and a pack of Bluey and friends.

All the kids at the party loved getting their own Bluey sensory dough jar to take home. I’ve had multiple friends send me photos of their kids playing with them at home.

Both Emmett and Anneliese have enjoyed playing with their jars. By now the objects have been combined and swapped between jars so generally they will pull both of them out, and any other Bluey themed figurine we have around.

In addition to party favors, these Bluey sensory dough jar would make a great birthday gift, or a fun activity to assemble for your own kids. It is an amazing open-ended play opportunity that a wide age range of kids will love.