I’m a big fan of “Girl Dinner” (aka a little bit of various items already in the fridge to make a complete meal). I’ve been looking for ways to simplify the 100 times a day my kids as for a snack. Enter the Snackle Box!
The Snackle box looks like a small fishing tackle box; however, each compartment is the perfect size for a various snack food item. There are quite a few options available online; however, when I found these smaller boxes for $1 at Target, I knew they were perfect for my kids.

When I create my kids’ snackle boxes, I aim to have a balance of traditional snack foods along with some proteins, fruits, and vegetables. I also avoid putting dips or spreads into these boxes just because they can be harder to clean out and are more likely to cause a mess when being eaten.
While many of these items are fine to be left out to munch throughout the day, others do need to be refrigerated so they shouldn’t be left out too long. Also, some of the snack ideas are better for older kids as they can be a choking hazard for younger kids.

Each of my kids have favorite vegetables for snacking – Emmett loves Snap Peas (although he really only wants the peas), Anneliese will inhale as much Cucumber as I provide, and they both enjoy a good Broccoli tree or carrot stick.

For fruits, we generally have grapes, blueberries, and strawberries in the fridge so I will cut up either of those for the snackle box.
Some of our favorite “snacky snack” foods include: Goldfish crackers, mini pretzels, Pirates Booty, Wheat Thins, cashews, and dry cereal.
Sometimes I use these boxes to introduce a new food as it is a fun and low-pressure exposure.