I can’t believe that Emmett is already two! Last year we were in the midst of the lockdown and had a drive-by Disneyland themed first birthday party. This year, we are still being cautious, so we had a small outdoor gathering with a few friends.
In the past year, we have really seen Emmett’s interests come through in his personality. He loves building towers, playing outside, and anything that really gets his body moving.

I had fun shopping for Emmett this year and finding toys that would match his interests. Below I have compiled a few gift ideas for active two year olds.
2nd Birthday Gift Guide
Two year olds are active and becoming a bit more opinionated. Check out these awesome gift ideas for the toddler stage.
Emmett isn't quite tall enough to ride this properly; however, it doesn't stop him from grabbing it as we head out to the driveway to play. He loves pushing himself along, and as he gets older I know he'll enjoy it even more.
Mini Backpack
Emmett was so excited to wear his own backpack when we took a vacation a few months ago. We packed it with some of his toys for the plane, his water bottle, and a couple snacks. If there is concern of the kid running away, finding a backpack with a detachable leash is the perfect solution.
Bristle Blocks
My mom showed up one day right before Emmett turned two with a box of Bristle Blocks. He took to them immediately - pushing them together and seeing how tall of a tower he could make. These blocks are great since they easily grow with the child as they make more intricate designs.
Bubble Machine
All kids love bubbles. Parents love not having to deal with the mess of their kids blowing bubbles. Win-Win! This one is awesome, it has a USB rechargeable battery, and runs for hours without needing to be recharged or refilled.
Bookroo Subscription
Bookroo is a monthly book subscription for ages 0-12. Depending on the age of the child, Bookroo features board books, picture books, or chapter books. Each book comes wrapped which adds to the fun of monthly mail for the child.
Wooden Cutting Fruit Set
Play food is a perfect addition to the toy box for two year olds. We don't have a play kitchen in our playroom, but Emmett still enjoys playing with the food, and creating his own food combinations.
Wooden Wobble Balance Board
In addition to being a fun balance board to work on gross motor skills, this board can be used as a roadway for cars or as part of a whole sensory room.
Suction Toy Construction Set
These suction toys are perfect for the playroom. They can suction onto the table, each other, or even the window.
Jungle Jumparoo
We got a Jungle Jumparoo for Emmett as his 2nd birthday gift (although we got it a bit early and gave it to him around Easter). It has become a quick favorite of our backyard. The Jungle Jumparoo is great for all ages as there is no weight limit on jumping, and kids (or adults) of all sizes can jump together.
Balance Bike
A 2nd birthday is the perfect time to introduce a balance bike. We saw some kids who looked to be around Emmett's age enjoying them at our neighborhood 4th of July parade. Note that some have shorter seats than others, so make sure to measure your kid's inseam before purchasing.
Sandbox Digger
We don't have a sandbox per se, but we do have a giant area of wood chips. I've been thinking that this would be an awesome item for Emmett to enjoy while playing outdoors.
I hope you’re able to find the perfect gift for your favorite toddler with these ideas!