Sometime in 2021, I joined an online group with fellow people who love to travel. As the holidays approached, I learned that there was a trend with frequent travelers of providing small tokens of appreciation to the flight crew.
We had an upcoming trip planned, so I got busy ordering a bunch of random items at Target to fill bags of appreciation for our flight crew. We ended up canceling that trip in December 2021 as Omicron skyrocketed, but I got a chance to continue my plan when we traveled other times throughout the year.

The past couple of years have been hard on flight attendants from unruly passengers to extra flight delays and cancelations. Giving them a little gift of appreciation takes minimal effort on my part, but can make their day a little brighter.
Some items that I’ve included, or considered including in these thank-you bags:
- Chapstick/Blistex
- Hi-Chew
- Mini Cliff Bars
- Ghirardelli Chocolate Square
- Starburst
- Life Savers
- Starbucks Gift Card
A few items inside a cello favor bag are easy to hand out to the flight attendants.
Emmett has loved being responsible for holding onto the bags until we find a good time to pass them out.
If you’re interested in making some little thank you bags for your next flight, I’ve created printable tags to include. These can either be simply placed inside, or staple to the top of the bags. I generally opt for placing inside because these bags can get a bit squished when put in our carry-ons.

I generally start with a gift card and lip balm, and then add in some candies (both chocolate and non-chocolate) depending what I can find at the time. The mini Cliff bars have been a hit when I added them, but the weight definitely adds up when you try to only do carry-on.
To determine how many goody bags are needed for each flight, FAA regulations are that there need to be one flight attendant for every fifty passengers. Most of my domestic flights have been six bags – four flight attendants and two pilots. I always bring a couple more than I think I need just in case that flight is operating with additional crew.
For a super easy option, I have put a gift card into these envelopes and printed the bag toppers onto these labels that I put on the front of the envelopes.
I’d love to hear if you use these printable cards